When your A/C system does not blow as cold as it should, or doesn't blow cold at all, this can indicate a problem with the A/C system system or a Freon leak, however, it could also simply be due to low or diluted Freon. We provide a full A/C service including evacuation of old Freon, vacuuming the system to ensure no leaks are present, and filling to the proper level with fresh Freon. We are equipped to provide A/C services to vehicles with the older R12 Freon systems, as well as the current R134 Freon systems. We are not currently equipped to service vehicles with the new R1234yf Freon systems, however, we are working to get the necessary equipment to service these systems very soon!
R-12 Freon - starting at $130*
R-134a Freon - starting at $135*
R-1234yf Freon - not available yet
*Prices do not include tax or fees. Prices vary based on your vehicle's Freon capacity.