When your A/C system does not blow as cold as it should, or doesn't blow cold at all, this can indicate a problem with the A/C system system or a Freon leak, however, it could also simply be due to low or diluted Freon (See our page on A/C Service). When you have a problem with your A/C system or a Freon leak, this can be to failure of a variety of parts within your A/C system, including A/C Compressor, A/C Receiver Drier, A/C Condenser, A/C Evaporator, A/C Expansion Valve/Orifice Tube, A/C Line(s), Cooling Fan(s), or a combination of any of these parts. Our experienced technicians are capable of diagnosing and fixing any problem with your A/C system.
We are equipped to provide A/C services and repairs to vehicles with the older R12 Freon systems, as well as the current R134 Freon systems. We are not currently equipped to service or repair vehicles with the new R1234yf Freon systems, however, we are working to get the necessary equipment to service and repair these systems very soon! Due to the wide variety of parts within your A/C system that can fail and cause your A/C to blow warm, we recommend bringing your vehicle in for a free diagnosis.
Though our diagnosis is provided free of charge, when your A/C system's Freon level is not correct (too low or too high), or your system hasn't been serviced in a while, this can complicate diagnosing a problem with your A/C system. For this reason, many A/C diagnostic procedures must first start with a full A/C service (see our page on A/C Service) in order to ensure the Freon is at the proper level. We also inject a florescent dye into the system along with the Freon and A/C oil during a service to assist in finding any leak that may be present. Please contact us with questions about your vehicle's A/C problems. We are more than happy to help you solve your A/C problems!

A/C Diagnostics

A/C Condenser Replacement

A/C Compressor Replacement

A/C Receiver Drier Replacement

A/C Line Replacement
A/C Evaporator Core Replacement