Your vehicle's throttle body allows air into your engine as you step on the throttle. Over time, carbon deposits build up around the throttle body flap, which can cause poor running performance. It is helpful to routinely clean the throttle body, which can often be done along with other tune-up services. It is best to call with any questions regarding throttle body cleaning as some throttle bodies are electronic and/or not easily accessed. Feel free to contact us regarding throttle body cleaning on your vehicle.

Though most modern vehicles are not equipped with an external, serviceable fuel filter, for those vehicles equipped with a serviceable fuel filter, we can perform this service/replacement with OEM quality fuel filters.

Please see our Filters page for information regarding Air Filter and Cabin Air Filter replacement.

We stock the best oil and fuel system additives available! 44K fuel system cleaner is one of the strongest and most effective fuel system cleaners on the market. This additive can help improve running performance and fuel economy as well as help temporarily eliminate some check engine problems. MOA engine oil additive can help clean and protect your engine from oil contaminant build up. It can also sometimes help with some slight engine ticks. Feel free to ask us about these additives during your next service!